Marketing and Business Intelligence

Marketing and Business Intelligence

Top Best Marketing Strategies

Picture of Jessica Assaf
Jessica Assaff
In this top we show you the best marketing strategies, such as inbound marketing or digital marketing.

There have always been various strategies for targeting the public, although the subject is becoming more and more in-depth, knowing what what the user needsUntil finally producing and selling it, there is an intermediate process that no one usually talks about: advertising. The marketing or marketing It is updated as technology and society advance to adapt to customer needs.

Top 10 Marketing Strategies

1. Voice search

It is thought that for the year 2021, 50% of searches are through voice search. This type of search achieved the popularity it has today, thanks to the speed with which the question is generated, and also the speed of response.

To be able to work with this type of marketing, you should focus on titles. Don't think about how you would write it, but how you would say it. By creating questions (which customers are likely to ask), you can Get more search traffic.

2. Focus on the customer

Focus on each decision resulting in a benefit for the client. Think about user needs, managing to create lasting purchase-sale relationships. By showing that in addition to listening to them, you understand them, so you can create a unique marketing strategy and guaranteed.

3. Be mindful of audio content

Some users allege that due to lack of time, they prefer to listen to or view a video rather than read a blog/article/ad. There are certain sites that use this marketing method, such as music apps, which carry podcasts of the songs they offer. Convert some of your ads or posts to audio compatible formats.

marketing strategy

4. Video format

It is estimated that, by 2021, users will consume more audiovisual content. That's why, videos are considered a good advertising method resorting again to the problem of the lack of time on the part of the public.

Take advantage of the reduced prices offered by posting a video on social networks, with quality content. If you want to reduce costs and improve the quality of your videos, there are tools like VEED that allow you to remove video background easily to create more impactful visuals, change video resolution to adapt it to different platforms, and convert text to speech to generate professional narrations without the need for a voiceover artist. Using these editing applications will allow you to optimize your visual marketing strategy at a low cost.

5. Try exchanging data

There are certain purchase-sale or social network applications that could offer you the information of the users. achieves personalize your ads, presenting customers with what they need, listening to them and fulfilling product expectations.

Create a space for members (on a website) where you can provide them with exclusive content, and grow your community, you could even create categories.

6. Influencers and experts

Currently, it has been proven that many people place more trust in content promoted by experts on the subject or certain influential figures in society. It is important to highlight that many consumers seek to fulfill the expectations created about a product, and many advertisements are barely able to do so, therefore, create an influencer-based marketing strategy can help you.

Create a partnership with people who are influential and build professional relationships. Those known as “youtubers” cover a wide range of video marketing, being a good option to use.

7. User-created content

It is proven that 92% of customers trust more in the opinion that other users can provide, rather than brand marketing. If you still don't think it's one good marketing strategy, we offer you other reasons:

  • Lets save money and time
  • It is more authentic, in the eyes of other users
  • It provides <strong>economic data</strong> on the business environment. more effective results
  • Finally, it is a economical option

8. Internet TV

Internet television consumption has grown impressively, reducing that of traditional television at home. During the last three years, other platforms have moved (or taken root, too) on the internet, becoming web programs. Even watching live videos is becoming a strong addiction.

If you want to advertise effectively, try to be present in social network applications where you can show video content. By looking at what your audience wants to see, and making a connection between that and the product you offer, you can produce compelling videos for the users you want to attract.

9. Offer real-time response service

There are multiple messaging apps that allow you to respond in real time, and it's time to start using them. A certain level of users is inclined to prefer the products of a business or company when they feel that their doubts are answered instantly, that they are concerned about their acquisition, and that they obtain a response that meets expectations.

Define some automatic messages (that do not seem so generic) to work with faster responses and promote your advertising.

10. Use native advertising

This type of advertising is defined as less intrusive than usual marketing. It is capable of adapting in functionality and form to any environment in which it finds itself, impacting the user in the right way. Although this type of advertising is often not perceived as such, it is capable of being fully integrated wherever it is.

Important to note, that if you want succeed with your advertising, You display quality content and that adds value to the user.

  • Show exactly what you want
  • Keep an eye on quality
  • Think about the places where the ad will be

Don't spamclean promotion

What are the best marketing strategies?

marketing strategies

The best advertising strategies that you could use, are the ones that are in charge of offering a necessary product for the users, and that ends up covering the expectations that it creates. There is nothing better than a real user talking about their own experience with the product.

Today users comment and give opinions about their purchases on networks such as Twitter, Facebook or Instagram, given this companies need a social media management tool and our recommendation from Millennials Consulting en is the Zoho Social tool, this application allows you to synchronize all social networks in a single workspace.

Services Marketing Strategies

To design one of the best  service marketing strategies, it is important to find the key product that represents the organization and the strengths of the users. You go on to create an offering, which looks compelling in the eyes of customers (usually based on leadership that represents knowledge experience, industry, and skill with which to work).

The main thing is Make a Difference of the services offered, and teach the client the strategic value that they represent, in addition to the need that the client has with respect to them.

  • Create a portfolio (portfolio of services) of all the needs that the client may have, during the life of the product
  • Make a structure of the services (as a segment), to cover the needs of the various categories that are in the market
  • Create training programs for staff, to face the customer. Make sure your employees have the skills needed to address users
  • Put leadership into practice, build credibility in the field you are in
  • Always make sure to raise awareness. Frequent customers, and potential ones, must know at all times the advantages of the services

Types of digital marketing strategies

What represents the digital advertising, is the intention to connect through the internet, with various users. Any form of communication can be accepted, from digital ads but also mailing campaigns and more. It is a wide range, which covers the possibilities of digital marketing industry.

The promotion that is done to the products, through the usual electronic means (digital), makes a difference with the traditional way. Digital marketing allows you to keep certain aspects inspected such as:

  • The number of conversions
  • Keep track of what works, and what doesn't
  • Carry out a check of the people who visit the website
  • Allows you to interact through social networks
  • Help more people get to know you, especially those who are not close

Inbound marketing

Considered as the most general type of marketing, although it is also specific marketing. It is thought of as the new concept of marketing, where the user is accompanied throughout the transaction. The user is accompanied from the moment he is "known", until he finally goes through all phases, allowing you to achieve a successful advertising.

It begins with the attraction, the use of analytics and the tools that allow understand the user. It continues with the recognition of leads, and the nurturing strategy. A change to sales is made, and a treatment for increase purchases.

Content Marketing

For this type of marketing, there are various options for its use. start from the Branded content, or the generation of brand content to be promoted outside the media. The ideal is to get earned media. When this form of advertising is used, special attention is given to the conversational relationship that arises later, which generates new figures such as the content curator.

search engine marketing

Categorized as the fundamental in any publicitary estrategy to be done, existing long before any web page was created. Is strategy is focused on digital marketing, positioning well in search results. Thanks to its methods, it manages to capture a good range of searches. the use of a CRM in the agencies SEO It would allow us to classify our clients and manage different marketing strategies SEO simultaneously.

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Top Best Marketing Strategies
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Top Best Marketing Strategies
In this top we show you the best marketing strategies, such as inbound marketing or digital marketing.
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Millennials Consulting - Digital Marketing



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