Marketing and Business Intelligence

Marketing and Business Intelligence

Manage your open day in times of Covid?

Picture of Marta Mateo
Marta Mateo
Would you like to know a series of tips that could help you manage an open house during the time of covid? Here we tell you how.

We think no one was. No one expected what he COVID-19 it would mean for the whole world. Yet here it is, and it looks like we're going to drag the consequences for quite some time. Layoffs, ERTES, bankrupt companies.

Was your school prepared for a pandemic like Covid19? 

El Coronavirus it has swept away everything it could and more and the media is helping to create more and more chaos among us. And one of the doubts in the education sector en How will we now manage a open house day?

How are you going to manage the open day now?

However, in Millennials Consulting We believe that things are not as they come, but as YOU are able to manage them. And that the strongest species are those that best adapt to the environment and its circumstances.

So seen like this, this is not the end of the world but quite the opposite. is the opportunity to start over with much better prospects.

The planet has breathed fresh air again, our routine has stopped spinning so fast and so superficially and now, we are able to value the important things. Like the hug of friends or family for example. And as if that were not enough, many companies that still did not see clearly the digital transformationl have had to do it and, as a result, they have realized how many expected benefits what's wrong with it.

El education sector has been one of the hardest hit. The agglomeration of people in colleges, university institutes and all kinds of schools for adults has been one of the first problems that have been solved by “closing doors.

crm in education

But what if your school had been prepared to give online classes?

What if you could have managed a JPA (open day) digitallyhe? Opening the doors of your school digital way and attracting new students.

What if it didn't matter where in the world your teachers are? Imagine like this, being able to hire native English teachers from the United States, for example. Or taking exams digital tools where it does not matter where the student is. Opening the possibilities of your school to the whole world.

Zoho One is the Suit composed of more than 40 applications that, connected to each other, will allow you to digitize the entire ecosystem of your school. allowing you to do exams, teachingbe able to manage a online open daymanage all your students and alumni through a powerful CRM and much more.

This CRM configured with the objectives of the education today, it will help you detect duplicate leads, it can be integrated with your website through forms and detect at this time if it is the mother, the father or the student, agglomerating all of them as family units within CRM. You will be able to analyze courses to know if they really work or not… etc.

Do you want to know how? Turn off the television and put the batteries. This is nothing but a new and better opportunity.

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Manage your open day in times of Covid?
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Manage your open day in times of Covid?
Would you like to know a series of tips that could help you manage an open house during the time of covid? Here we tell you how.
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Millennials Consulting - Digital Marketing



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