Marketing and Business Intelligence

Marketing and Business Intelligence


The best CRM for consultancies, agencies or professional offices


En Millennials Consulting we have a great legal industry experience thanks to the fact that we have had the opportunity to work with different management, consulting or companies oriented to this type of sector.

We know the needs that companies in the legal sector may require. Thanks to this we will be able to offer a service of the best quality and in a very close way. We will work side by side to achieve the best results.

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Do you want more cases?

Zoho CRM has a advanced customization system and different applications that will make us generate a strategy based on your needs. The CRM We can cover everything from legal advice to creating a software for lawyers oriented to any business related to this field.

  • with Zoho CRM we will be able to obtain data from employees, lawyers or managers, it will also allow us to set short, medium or long term objectives for our legal institution. In addition, you will also be able to find out the dates on which our communication campaigns are most effective in capturing and retaining customers who seek your services.
  • Study the success and failure of each strategy used to capture leads.
  • We can receive notifications so as not to lose any leads or send campaigns or notifications to customers who require management of their situation.
  • We will have a simplified management of our agency, consultancy or law firm due to the ease of data control with Zoho CRM.
  • We will help our sales team to close them with a higher percentage of satisfaction.

With the help of a software for lawyers and legal sector You will be able to know extremely important data in each area of ​​the sector. Next, we attach the Portfolio of some companies in the Legal sector that have trusted us.



En Millennials Consulting  experts in implanting CRM for insurance. That's why we are the best partner by Zoho CRM for this type of insurance centers. Here is a link to our portfolio of the legal sector so you can see some of the centers with which we have worked.

The process automation software for consultancies, you will be able to specify processes and workflows much faster than ever before.

CRM for agencies and professional offices

Through the different tools and modules offered by the CRM for agencies and professional offices You will be able to carry out a traceability of the clients that require the services offered. It will allow you, among many other things, the best solution or strategy to help the person or company that hires your services. Some examples of what you can get:

  • Monitoring of activity of different clients from the same platform
  • Automate marketing processes oriented to the legal sector
  • Coordinate and organize processes and flows
  • Coordinate and organize documents necessary for the different activities

specialized experts

Are you interested in a CRM for your company? We have a specialized expert team that will help you in your projects.

Categories CRM for Lawyers

  • CRM analytical legal: this system CRM focuses on the analysis and management of data of interest. This will help to be able to measure the results of the services offered so that the client can check in a more visual way if the objective is being met.
  • CRM collaborative legal: this professional office software specializes in improving collaboration between the different departments of the company.
  • CRM legal operating: Finally, this software for lawyers it focuses on automating the processes that the company must follow to help customers.



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The programs Kit Digital y Kit Consulting allow SMEs and self-employed workers to adopt and implement tools and digital solutions to transform your businesses, as well as foster innovation, improve operational efficiency and support the Business Growth.